Basic Information
Nakcokv Esyvhiketv: Muskokee Hymns

Prepared by Muskogee convert David Winslett (?–1862) and Anglo-American missionary R. M. Loughridge (1809–1900), Nakcokv Esyvhiketv was the first full-length hymnal published in the Muskogee (Creek) language. In addition to translations of well-known English hymns, this words-only volume includes selections composed in Muskogee. Many of the original hymns were contributed by the Perrymans, a prominent Muskogee family who converted to Presbyterianism after moving to Tulsa in the early 1820s during the first wave of migration to the Indian Territory. Missionization of the Muskogee people escalated following the nation’s forcible removal from its homelands in territories claimed by the states of Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Exiled in Indian Territory since removal, Muskogees have been singing hymns as a cultural and religious practice since the 1830s. A version of Nakcokv Esyvhiketv remains in print and songs from the volume have become part of Muskogee oral repertoire, including "Aeha! Kut! Cvhesayēcv," Lewis Perryman's translation of Isaac Watts's 1707 "Alas! and did my Savior bleed?"

—Erin Fulton

R. M. Loughridge and David Winslett
Park Hill, Indian Territory [Oklahoma] : Mission Press
[2]-144 p.
14 x 8 cm
Pitts Theology Library