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THEORETICAL STATEMENTS. 5 to, and often for Tenor. When used for Tenor it denotes small g- 37. Any other pitch than C may be taken as the Keynote. an octave lower than when used for Soprano or Alto. 38. Changing the pitch is called TRANSPOSITION. 39. The tones of a scale are also called a KEY. The use of the G clef for Tenor (always incorrect,) is being gradually abandoned, and the C clef, (called also, Tenor clef,) adopted in its place, The C clef fixes the letters upon the staff 40. The word "Key" in this sense means a family of tones, or in the same order as the G clef, but indicates the tones an octave lower, and enables the Tenor part to be more readily distinguished. tone-family. QUESTIONS.-29 What is the usual vocal compass How are the tones of the different oc- 41. The tones of a key make the scale only when they occur in taves designated? Read the letters in the example-what is the once marked small C also called? scale-form. What pitch does the F clef indicate? The G clef? 31. The voice is divided into how many classes? Name them? 32. How are the parts for the different voices designated? 33. For what voices is the F clef used ? 34. The G clef? 42. A key or scale is named from the letter that is taken as the key-note. Transposition-Practical 43. The different keys, except the key of C, are indicated by SHARPS (#) or FLATS (b) placed on the staff. 35. The first tone of the scale-One or Do-is called the KEYNOTE. 44. Such sharps or flats are called the SIGNATURE (sign) of the 36. In the Model or Standard Scale the pitch C is the Keynote. key. TABLE OF THE SCALE IN ALL THE KEYS. KEY C. KEY G. KEY KEY A. KEY E. KEY B KEY F# Key Gb Same Pitch as F# KEY Df b b-b KEY Ef KEY Bf KEY F KEY C. f 50 b-b NOTE TO THE TEACHER.-It is not necessary at this point to explain the theory of the Explain that when G is the keynote, a sharp is placed on F. and that that degree is then transposition of the scale. All that the pupils need to know are the names of the Keys and called F sharp, and that one sharp thus becomes the sign (signature) of the key of G, &c. The their Signatures. The different Keys may be introduced somewhat in the following manner. teacher will now drill the class on these two keys, by having them sing as he points to the notes. Write the scale of C on the board and question the class as to what Scale, Key, Keynote, &c. After some practice in this way, he will say, We will now take Five of this key (G) for the We will now take Five of this key for the keynote of a new key. What pitch (letter) is keynote of a new key. What is Five (what letter) in this key D. Write the D scale, ex- Five in this key G. What, then, is the pitch of the new keynote?" G. Write the G plain the signature and, exercise by pointing. Then, in the same manner (taking Five of scale, the board appearing thus : the old key for a keynote of a new key,) introduce the keys of A, three sharps E, four sharps; B, five, and F sharp, six sharps. Education The flat keys may be taught in the same way, by taking Four of the old key for the key- note of a new key. The object in presenting the keys in this way, IS to give the class practice in the different 0 keys, giving greater variety in the exercises. The Theory of the Transposition of the Scale may be taken up later in the course.